
You Do This

I just lay in Bed, not yet sleeping and it came to me that I want to write down some considerations and thoughts about the mean, ugly principle of “You Do This”.

I write this in english although my native language is german – I hope I can pull this off without ending up incomprehensible. One reason is that I will post this on a certain english board. Another reason is that my thoughts speak a lot of eglish lately, especially when it comes to this kind of topics. I write this from a background of spiritualim – mostly because that is the realm where much of my development took place.

There is a principle, or perhaps behaviour, or habit – that of “You Do This”. The behaviour of telling someone else what to do; usually with a thread if it will not be done. The thread is often implicit and subtle. It may be the expression of anger or disapproval or the withdrawel of affection or support. This behaviour has run rampant for hundrets and thousand years in humanity.It may or may not have served us in the past, but now it is the source of much suffering and no longer adequate. It will cease to exist. It is the consequence of a delusion about or own minds and our emotional truths.

It seems to be like this: In a natural (please note that natural means “as per original design” opposed to normal which means “like the majority”) and healthy human beeing all or at least the majority of actions are originated by own intent and original thought: “I am hungry. I want to eat. I will eat.” In a normal abusive childhood the child is threatened into obeying comands: “You sit down and be quiet and eat!” As the thread is usually real life-threatening, the child has little choice here. And it is conditioned. I suppose this results in a fundamental wrong and ill wiring of the brain. There is a constant flow of orders directed at a human while he grows up. School – of course – plays a central role here. Parents prepare the child to follow orders and school supplies orders. “You do sports,” “You do math,” “You say this,” “You eat your bread in the morning,” “You be nice to the other kids,” blablablabla. The most important thing is not even if the orders make sense or not, but the fact that they come from the outside.

There is some entity or authority in any human which knows what is the right thing to do. A authority that will always perfectly guide you and therefore invalidates any other authority whatsoever. This is one of the key knowledges in spirituality. In respect to itself, one cannot impose this knowledge but only remind others of it. So the main aim of all power structures is to seal off this inner guidance or authority and to hide the fact that it even exists.

Back to the wrong wiring of the brain. Through the constant flow of orders at the child the brains learns to verbalize in a wrong way. It verbalizes a “You” instead of an “I” whenever an imperative is formulated. Which causes a hell lot of trouble. Time for a real world example. The inner guidance of a woman creates an information of her beeing cold. This information is not verbal at first. It only becomes verbalizes somewhere in the processing in the brain. In a natural (healthy) brain it may end up as perhaps “I feel cold. I would like to be hugged.” In a normal (unhealthy) brain the miswiring causes the “I” to be replaced with a “You”. So the mother verbalizes (and tells her daugther): “you are cold!” or “you must be cold!”

People do this all the time. Psychologists call this projection. Especially unpleasant emotions trigger this a lot. Earlier today I had a discussion with a good friend of mine. I told her (shortened): ”It would help you a lot if you were more honest and open about your sexuality.” And this is most definetly true. But it was still misdirected though she didn't notice. Really it was about that I saw what ill it did her to hide so much of her sexuality. So my inner guidance must somehow have concluded: “Gee, man, I do this worse than the lady, and even she is suffering so much from it. I gotta come out with the stuff.” But it is instantly reversed. Even as I just typed it, I typed “you” instead of “I” at first and then changed it. But this knowledge is supressed, because I am afraid of showing sexual desires and intention and all this. I fear that the disapproval I experienced in childhood continues. So the brain is all to happy to have an excuse. The excuse of speaking of someone else while still saying it. So I say: “You are suffering from it. You gotta let it out.”

This will have interesting consequences. If the other person resists the imperative, I can waste my resources pushing and convincing; without needing to anything myself. I also get the feeling that I am doing all I can because the source of the resistance exists in the other person outside of my control. If the other person folds and follows the order, I get the false satisfaction because I see it beeing done. But not by me. So I will never be satisfied. But this only continues between two unaware individuals. A natural person feel that the ursupating nature of the statement, because he knows that there is no valid authority besides himself. She would reflect any command and would always reply with a “Who are you to tell me? You are only talking about yourself!” This reflecting behaviour will eventually cure everyone. The more people have deeply realized this, the often the others will be reminded of the fact that their command is invalid and nonsensical. I believe this will start a rapid chain effect once a critical mass has been reached.

In spirituality there is a helping construct which is often utilized but not always understood. It is most commonly known under names of “higher self”, “inner guidance”, “angels”, “god” (not to be confused with the mean fatherly religious god), “great spirit” and so on. It imagines the own authority as separated beeing outside oneself to compensate for the wrong verbalization. With imagining an entity outside oneself one understand the commands of “You do this” as directed to oneself and does not need to pass them on to others.

So, as a conclusion, I wish to remind myself to be aware that there is really no authority besides myself. And to be aware when I mean myself and when I mean someone else. I will put this text out and I hope that I can help someone with the thoughs I tried to here. And to remind you that there is no authority outside of you. And to remind you to be aware of whom you mean when an imperative forms inside you.

Unsortierte Mentalprojektion

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